The West Highland Way – Part 2

The West Highland Way – Stage 3: Rowardennan to Inverarnan – 14.5 miles/23.4km

Day 3 started with a taxi ride back seven miles up the road to Rowardennan. Physiologically it felt good to be quickly transported back up the line. We needed the boost because another gruelling 14 mile day lay ahead of us.

We had to make it to Inverarnan by nightfall and the famous Drovers Inn. We would still be hugging the shores of Loch Lomond for the majority of the day but by the end of it we would have made it to the start of the real Highlands.

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Scotland’s New LDP

In 2016 I managed to persuade my brother-in-law to join me on a little hiking and camping adventure up in the wilds of Scotland. The idea was a simple one, to walk the length of the newly created Affric-Kintail Way which runs from Drumnadrochit on the shores of Loch Ness, to Morvich in Kintail on the western seaboard, a total distance of 44 miles or 71 km.

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